Postcard Killers

Postcard Killers Postcard Killers

NYPD detective Jacob Kanon is on a tour of Europe’s most gorgeous cities. But he’s not there for the sights: he sees each museum, each cathedral, and each cafe through the eyes of his daughter’s killer. Kanon’s daughter, Kimmy, and her boyfriend were murdered while on vacation in Rome. Since then, young couples in Paris, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, and Stockholm have been found dead. Little connects the murders, other than a postcard to the local newspaper that precedes each new victim. Kanon teams up with the Swedish reporter, Dessie Larsson, who has just received a postcard in Stockholm – and they think they know where the next victims will be. Co-written by bestselling American thriller writer James Patterson, The Postcard Killers may be Liza Marklund’s most vivid and compelling novel yet.

Photo: Annika Marklund Liza Marklund
  • Crime
Reading material

English edition

Rights sold

Denmark, Rosinante

Finland, Otava

France, L'archipel

Germany, Limes

Italy, Longanesi

Netherlands, Cargo

Norway, Vigmostad & Bjørke

Sweden, Piratförlaget

UK, Random House

US, Little, Brown

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