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Sista paret ut Last Ones Out

Opcop #4

The mood in Europe is getting tougher. The mafia is stronger than ever, the drug market more advanced and the methods more violent – something that Paul Hjelm and his colleagues have learned in the most brutal of ways. But now, the mafia is truly under threat – and by an unexpected contender. Someone stronger, more powerful. Someone who, in the ever-growing gray zone at the periphery of the law, succeeds in infiltrating Wall Street while simultaneously taking over the growing market for designer drugs. Meanwhile, the small Swedish biotech company Bionovia AB falls prey to advanced cyber-espionage. The tracks lead all the way to China and a comprehensive cyber espionage operation – but why is it that the affected companies all work with genetic research? In an increasingly cold world, where the rules of power are constantly being constricted, perhaps there is only thing left to manipulate: man’s own DNA.

The Opcop group gathers its forces. A showdown awaits the battered group who must prove that they still have what it takes to fight crime when it becomes personal – especially for Paul Hjelm himself.

Last Ones Out is the final installment of Arne Dahl’s Opcop quartet.


  • “Dahl’s OpCop series is some of the best [books] that have been written in the crime genre over the last couple of years. [Last Ones Out] is a novel for the mind as well as the heart.”

    Jyllands-Posten, Denmark

  • “[Arne Dahl] writes so flawlessly and intensely, that the dialogue and the mental games that the police officers play glide past as a beautiful river that you gladly throw yourself into – with the expectation of falling hard.”

    Weekendavisen, Denmark

  • “It is as critical, sharp and troubling as always, and so insanely thrilling, well-written and epic as a fourth installment should be.”

    Ekstra Bladet, Denmark

  • “I believe that Arne Dahl’s Opcop tetralogy is the big Swedish dystopia of our time, far more poignant than Karin Boye’s allegorically abstract Kallocain was in the run-up to World War I.”

    Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

  • “Arne Dahl has blown life into his characters over the course of fifteen novels. In Last Ones Out, the new novel, the suspense and insight into international organized crime is as great as usual. The members of the secret police organization Opcop, led by Swedish Paul Hjelm, must deal with loads of evil: mafia organizations, bioengineered criminals, greedy multinational companies, and not least deadly threats against the members of the group. It is as good as ever and I hope that Arne Dahl continues to write his well written and eye opening novels.”

    Upsala Nya Tidning, Sweden

  • “If there is something that Arne Dahl is skilled at, it is creating a feeling of both credibility and presence, regardless how unlikely and remote the story might be. Very clever. I sometimes get the feeling that Dahl is playing chess with us, forcing us into a game where from the start, he’s already won. Only, you remain unaware until you find your king being cornered. / …/ It is skillful and well done.

    Norrköpings Tidningar, Sweden

  • “Dahl is sparse on the magical realism and instead he focuses on an intricate story and allows the tempo to bolt between establishing scenes. Without a doubt, Last Ones Out cements Arne Dahl’s position among the top crime writers in Sweden. Congratulations to all of you who have yet to discover him.”

    Borås Tidning, Sweden

  • “There are no crime novels more worth reading than this. / …/ Arne Dahl is a master of keeping the reader’s interest. /…/ The many members of the secret European Police Force Organization Opcop transform into flesh and blood people whose fates you follow with terrified pleasure, constantly fearing that something really bad will happen to them. /…/ The cover names this book as the last novel about the Opcop group. We can only hope that Arne Dahl will find a new mission for Paul Hjelm and his colleagues.”

    Östgöta Correspondenten, Sweden

Photo: Sara Arnald Arne Dahl
  • Crime
Reading material

Swedish edition

German edition

Rights sold

Denmark, Modtryk

France, Actes Sud

Germany, Piper

Netherlands, De Geus

Norway, Cappelen Damm

Poland, Czarna Owca

Sweden, Albert Bonniers

Film rights sold

Sweden, Filmlance International

More From Arne Dahl

The NOVA series

Berger & Blom


