Skulden man bär

Skulden man bär The Guilt You Carry

Sebastian Bergman #8

Hjorth & Rosenfeldt are back with the eighth installment in their international bestselling series about criminal psychologist Sebastian Bergman.

The national homicide unit has been in deep crisis ever since it was revealed that one of their colleagues is a serial killer. Vanja Lithner struggles to save her department when a woman in her sixties is found murdered on a pig farm outside the city of Västerås. Signs indicate that the deed was carried out with a special person in mind: Sebastian Bergman.

Over the years, Sebastian has helped the homicide unit solve numerous cases, but after recent events, he is persona non grata. Will his return be the homicide unit’s salvation or downfall? Meanwhile, Tim Cunningham, a former client of Sebastian’s, is found dead. Tim also lost a child in the tsunami of 2004, but it turns out that there are many question marks surrounding the Cunningham family and that Christmas almost twenty years ago. Question marks that perhaps Tim’s daughter Cathy can help clear up.

Hjorth & Rosenfeldt’s bestselling Sebastian Bergman series has sold over 7 million copies worldwide.


  • “It’s naturally a very entertaining read, with several different threads that come together in the dramatic finale. /…/ There is much to be impressed by when it comes to these authors, not least their ability to nurture even small supporting roles. /…/  In any case, it can only be stated that they are very good at tying together really entertaining stories. ”

    Kapprakt, Sweden

  • “You can expect great doses of tension with a rich gallery of characters (…). You’re going to want to read the next book as well.  ”


    Adresseavisen, Norway

  • “A new case full of mystery, twists and lots of tension. The authors know perfectly well how to activate the mechanisms of suspense, introduce surprises and keep the reader hooked. The almost 500 pages will have fans of the Nordic thriller devour the book with enormous enthusiasm. ”

    Esquire, Spain

  • “It’s easy to understand why crime readers around the world have become addicted to Sebastian Bergman. /…/Hjorth and Rosenfeldt are able to preserve the suspense until the very last page, and the surprises keep piling up.”


    Nettavisen, Norway

  • The Guilt You Carry is an action-packed thriller with high tension. /…/ I was glued to the book, and wish I could give it a 6 out of 5, because it simply doesn’t get any better than this! ”

    Krimlitteratur, Norway

Photo: Appendix Fotografi Hjorth & Rosenfeldt
  • Crime
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Swedish edition

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Bulgaria, Era

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Sebastian Bergman