Gabriel Liljevall
Gabriel Liljevall
Photo: Gabriel Liljevall Photo: Gabriel Liljevall

Lisa Ridzén

Lisa Ridzén (b.1988) is a doctoral student in sociology, researching masculinity norms in the rural communities of the Swedish far north, where she herself was raised and now lives in a small village outside of Östersund. The idea for her heartrending debut When the Cranes Fly South came from the discovery of notes her Grandfather’s care team had left the family as he neared the end of his life. She began penning the novel whilst attending Långholmen Writer’s Academy.




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‘When the Cranes Fly South’ shortlisted for Book of the Year Award

Lisa Ridzén’s acclaimed debut When the Cranes Fly South has been shortlisted for Bonnier’s Book Club’s high profile Book of the Year Award. The motivation reads as follows:

“What a gem! 89-year old Bo moves into our reader-hearts! (…) A moving, thought-provoking and tender tale that goes straight to the heart.”

Bonnier’s Book Clubs is the home of five Swedish book clubs, among them the biggest one in Sweden. The winning book and author will be announced during the Gothenburg Book Fair in September. To see the list of the nominees and vote for your favorite, click “Read more” below.

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‘When the Cranes Fly South’ sold to 30 territories

Rights to Lisa Ridzén’s No. 1 bestselling and lauded debut When the Cranes Fly South have now been sold to 30 territories, following heated auctions in numerous countries.

The novel revolves around our elderly protagonist Bo as he finds himself running out of time. Yet time is one of the few things he’s got left; his body is failing him and his quiet existence is only broken up by the daily visits from his home care team. His hands soon too weak to open the precious jar housing the scarf of his Alzheimer-stricken wife Frederika, which still bears her scent. Fortunately he still has his beloved elkhound Sixten for company, only now his son insists upon taking the dog away. The very same son that Bo is wanting to mend his relationship with before his time is up. The threat of losing Sixten stirs up a whirlwind of emotions that make him look back at his life, his fatherhood and the way he expresses his love.

When the Cranes Fly South is a profoundly moving debut about an aging man’s fight to keep the power over his own life.

Lisa Ridzén and Jo Nesbø No. 1 in Sweden

Lisa Ridzén’s highly anticipated debut, When the Cranes Fly South, shoots to No. 1 on the official hardcover bestseller list in Sweden. Jo Nesbø continues to dominate the paperback list, where his Killing Moon is once more No. 1.

Gabriel Liljevall Photo: Gabriel Liljevall

New Author: Lisa Ridzén

Lisa Ridzén (b.1988) is a doctoral student in sociology, researching masculinity norms in the rural communities of the Swedish far north, where she herself was raised and now lives in a small village outside of Östersund. The idea for her heartrending debut When the Cranes Fly South came from the discovery of notes her Grandfather’s care team had left the family as he neared the end of his life. She began penning the novel whilst attending Långholmen Writer’s Academy.