Ödet och hoppet

Ödet och hoppet Hope and Destiny

Ödet och Hoppet #1

The acclaimed author Niklas Natt och Dag is back with a new epic and gripping series.

Year 1434: The Kalmar Union is cracking at its seams. From Denmark, Erik of Pomerania rules with an uncertain hand. A rebellion erupts in the north, led by the miner Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson. To his side, the young Måns Bengtsson is sent to win Engelbrekt’s trust to promote his family, which bears the coat of arms in gold and blue. At Göksholm’s castle by the shores of Lake Hjälmaren, he leaves behind his mother, father, and sister. One is lost in longing, another forges plans for the throne and crown, and one is given the opportunity to rise from her brother’s shadow.

In Hope and Destiny, Natt och Dag unravels the most infamous murder of the Swedish medieval era in the only way possible today: through fiction.

Niklas Natt och Dag is the fifteenth-generation grandson of Måns Bengtsson.


  • “After about twenty pages, I’m hooked. I am drawn into the early 15th century power play in the Sweden that had yet to be. ”

    Nerikes Allehanda, Sweden

  • “Niklas Natt och Dag goes about it thoroughly and builds up an equally wonderfully vivid, multi-faceted picture of the 15th century as he did with the 18th century in his historical noir trilogy. /…/ The way he tells a story! The way he portrays! The battle at Tälje Castle becomes a thrilling and unforgettable horror. /…/ The reading never falters because the events that have long been covered in the dust of history become new, alive, and significant.”

    Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

  • “(…) reading becomes pure joy. Natt och Dag is a stylist with few equals, and the book is a testimony of strength in its linguistic consistency.”

    Borås Tidning, Sweden

  • “The author is a master of language and has the ability to point out the mechanisms and the corruption that allowed people in power to gain advantages.  ”

    Dala-Demokraten, Sweden

  • “Niklas Natt och Dag’s exciting medieval story impresses.”

    Kristianstadsbladet, Sweden

  • “A Game of Thrones without dragons, set in the Swedish medieval era. (…) Niklas Natt och Dag investigates the mechanisms of power in the same chilling way that George R.R. Martin does in the Game of Thrones series.  ”

    Gefle Dagblad, Sweden

  • “The author’s language is captivating and drives the plot forward. Hope and Destiny is an exciting, entertaining, and stylistically well-written historical novel with an air of suspense, which makes the book hard to put down.”

    BTJ, Sweden

  • Hope and Destiny is a masterpiece. /…/ Not only does he capture a strong story, he also manages to repeat the feat of creating a new language, which is somewhat different from the trilogy, and also, even now, adds historical insights that are likely unknown to most of us./…/ Throughout the text there is a fantastic presence, both in time and in the different places where the story takes place. Behind this must lie an enormous amount of research down to the smallest details of the reality that the text depicts.  ”

    Kapprakt, Sweden

Photo: Gabriel Liljevall Niklas Natt och Dag
  • Literary
Reading material

Swedish edition

English sample

Rights sold

Bulgaria, Uniscorp

Canada, Simon & Schuster

Catalonia, Proa

Denmark, Gutkind

Finland, Johnny Kniga

France, Sonatine

Germany, Piper

Japan, Shogakukan

Netherlands, Prometheus

Poland, Sonia Draga

Spain, Salamandra

Sweden, Forum

Ukraine, Ranok

US, Atria

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