Photo: Cato Lein
Hassan Loo Sattarvandi (b. 1975) was born in Teheran, Iran and moved to Sweden with his family when he was three years old. He graduated from Stockholm University with a degree in Comparative Literature and Publishing. His debut novel, Still (Albert Bonniers 2008), made an immense impact on the Swedish literary scene and was lauded by an array of enthusiastic critics. Still was awarded the Catapult Prize for ‘Best First Novel’ in 2009, and was shortlisted for the Borås Tidning ‘First Book Award’, also in 2009. His second novel, State Of Siege, was shortlisted for the 2011 ‘Vi Literature Prize’ and the ‘Swedish Radio Literature Award’ of 2012. Hassan Loo Sattarvandi was one of the scriptwriters of the internationally celebrated feature film Snabba cash (Easy Money), based on the bestselling novel by Jens Lapidus.
Shortlisted for the Swedish Radio’s Literature Award Sweden – Belägring State Of Siege | 2012 |
The Albert Bonnier Scholarship Fund for Swedish writers | 2012 |
Shortlisted for the Vi Literature Prize Sweden – Belägring State Of Siege | 2011 |
The Catapult Prize (Best First Novel) Sweden – Still Still | 2009 |
Shortlisted for Borås Tidning’s First Book Award Sweden – Still Still | 2009 |