
Skilsmässan The Divorce

Together for thirty-odd years, Bea and Niklas live a comfortable life in an exclusive Stockholm neighborhood. Following a trivial argument one evening, Niklas disappears. Bea expects him home with his tail between his legs as soon as he’s calmed down, but the hours go by and there’s no trace of Niklas. During the days that follow he ghosts her completely as her anger amplifies. This is unacceptable and inexplicable behaviour following a long, happy marriage and with two teenage daughters still at home. Not letting his apparent mid-life crisis wreck their summer holiday, Bea brings the kids to stay with Niklas’ family at their island summer house. When it emerges that Niklas has met someone else, everything is brought to a head nevertheless. Cold and unreasonable, he has no interest in talking through their sudden crisis, and callously insists on a divorce.

But is the divorce really coming out of the blue? Is the person who does the leaving always the bad guy? What emerges once you begin scratching the surface…?



Shortlisted for the Storytel Awards (Best fiction) Sweden 2023
Shortlisted for Book of the Year Award Sweden 2022
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  • “The collapse of a thirty-two-year marriage is depicted with an even hand in this book. /…/ As Herngren stitches together the couple’s perspectives, she writes with a sharp neutrality, never overplaying the book’s many tense moments of discovery or languishing in the wife’s despair.”

    The New Yorker, US

  • “[A] compelling portrait of a marriage in trouble. /…/ This emotional deep-dive proves there are indeed two sides to every story. Despite Bea’s initial shock, the narrative shows constant red flags that have been missed. Thought-provoking.”

    Daily Mail, UK

  • “[Herngren] has a very accessible and pleasant writing style, even when the subject matter isn’t easy. It is not often someone accomplishes to write lightly and warmly about the breakdown of a relationship, about the lack of understanding, about the internal dilemmas of the parties involved. And yet she managed to do it. She explores an important topic and takes us through the entire path of adulthood leading to the divorce in an interesting way. It intrigued me, poked at me sharply and made me reflect. After reading this, everyone will definitely think about their relationship and do some internal research to see if we are at risk of the equivalent situation. /…/ An excellent read, full of emotions and drama, which encourages you to step out of your personal comfort zone and take another look at the person to whom you vowed love and infidelity many years ago.”

    Granice, Poland

  • “This novel is recommended to all those that once in a while believe the grass to be greener on the other side of the fence… /…/ [The introduction] makes the reader naturally curious. What has happened, what is behind it. Who is the snake in paradise here, if there even is a snake. (…) Moa Herngren is a clever writer. The reader also come to understand Niklas view on things once the famous snake in paradise appears. She has of course been lurking around for quite some time. But if sympathy is on his side now, it is not at all certain that it will last the book. The author has several cards up her sleeve and not everything turns out in Niklas’ favor. /…/ All divorce-candidates; run and buy [The Divorce]! And to those who are not thinking along those lines: the novel is incredibly worth the read.”


    Nettavisen, Norway

  • “The dialogue and the protagonists’ inner thoughts flow in a well-written and accessible language that doesn’t shy away from gravity or humor, and that attains the reader’s presence in all goings-on and milieus. Through the achieved realism, the reader’s sympathies, denunciations and views on the twin daughter’s reactions can shift according to own experiences and imagination, in a way that serves to elevate the narrative a further layer.”

    BTJ, Sweden

  • “Highly convicing about divorce and unusual family constellations.”

    Vimmerby Tidning, Sweden

  • “In Moa Herngren’s The Divorce we get to see both sides of the coin, which is truly refreshing.”

    Uppsala Nya Tidning, Sweden

  • “Moa Herngren’s divorce novel finds just the right tone. /…/ Moa Herngren is skilled at creating recognition and portraying relationships, especially when they’re under strain.”

    Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Sweden

  • “Nervy divorce drama that is pitch perfect. /…/ Moa Herngren with her very unique (not to say perfect) pitch for conflicts in interpersonal relationships, shows how two people who’ve lived a long life together can have entirely different perceptions about what kind of life they’ve lived. Thrilling, and a little bit spooky! –”

    Femina, Sweden

  • “With fascination mingled with horror we get to follow the family when the existence and security they’ve built falls apart. Very well-written and engaging drama where no one is innocent.”

    Expressen Söndag, Sweden

  • “Herngren is masterly when it comes to writing about relationships and emotions we don’t speak of. /…/ That’s where Moa Herngren is so brilliant, in conveying how situations can be perceived so utterly different and how little everyday things can grow into unsurmountable obstacles.”

    Smålandsposten, Sweden

  • “In The Divorce the initial image of Bea as the abandoned victim is transformed, so captivatingly told that you hardly notice before it’s too late. She is talented, Moa Herngren, when she makes the reader’s sympathies shift.”

    Dagens Nyheter, Sweden

  • “[W]hat makes The Divorce so compelling is how Herngren explores the marital split from both sides. /…/ It’s riveting as the reader to feel how your sympathies don’t so much shift, as flex, like a muscle, when the same story is told from the other point of view. There is no victim, no villain; just two people wanting – needing – entirely different things. /…/ Addictively readably and gently thought provoking, it would be useful for anyone going through a break-up (a reminder that there is always another version of the same story) or struggling to metabolise a relationship breakdown, but it’s also an interesting reminder for those in long-term partnerships, where family dynamics become fixed and roles can calcify. I found it a reminder to keep moving. To allow for evolutions, both great and small.”

    Pandora Sykes Books + Bits, UK

  • “Moa Herngren tells the story of the pitfalls of a relationship in a captivating, delicate and stirring way.”

    Hörzu, Germany

  • “An affecting relationship drama unfolds, where it’s hard to determine who’s the villain and who’s the victim.”

    Allas, Sweden

  • “[An] emotional rollercoaster. /…/ I predict book club debates about who is the wronged party for months.”

    Everything Zoomer, US

  • “[The Divorce] is one of the wonderful relationship novels that will entertain and enlighten us this summer.”

    MADAME, Germany

  • “A book that you devour breathlessly as it is so true, so surprising, so wonderfully scenic and excitingly written! ”

    Elle, Germany

  • “Moa Herngren proves to be a great storyteller in The Divorce.”

    Donna, Germany

  • “As with all break-ups: there was one love and in the end there are two truths, that is the center here. /…/ Really impressive.”

    Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Germany

  • “I was immediately captivated by the Swedish author’s minimalist narrative style, as well as the frank realism and taboo-free presentation of social problems. /…/ Herngren brilliantly presents the events from two different perspectives. /…/ Moa Herngren’s novel The Divorce is not only excellently written, but also a truly brave social dissection. The way the author presents the different perspectives of two people and reflects on everyday dilemmas through the changes of point of view is extremely refreshing. A work with such raw realism can be a real treasure for Hungarian readers.

    Hirek.AI, Hungary

  • “The details and pitfalls of everyday family life make the book approachable. /…/ This bestseller from Sweden is highly recommended as holiday reading.”

    Die Weltwoche, Switzerland

  • “In her cinematically fast-paced, yet deeply empathetic family drama, Moa Herngren gives insight into the minds of both characters in a marriage. Read The Divorce!”

    Könyves Magazin, Hungary

  • “Beware, this novel can trigger strong emotions: Moa Herngren has written a gripping divorce novel, multi-layered and empathetic. The Divorce is a page-turner that is very hard to put aside.”

    Die Presse am Sonntag, Austria

  • “[W]hat I encountered in this Swedish novel came as a really pleasant surprise, and I trust that not only I, but many others will discover this almost Bergman-level dissection of relationships.”

    Telex, Hungary

  • The Divorce reminded me of the TV-series The Affair (...) which in a genius way showed how the memories from two people of the same events can be polar opposites /.../ Herngren writes about the divorce unfolding in an engaging and even lighthearted way, but all the same psychologically insightful. ”

    Helsingin Sanomat, Finland

  • “Bea doesn’t [want a divorce]—absolutely not. She wants this man, this home she has worked hard to create, this stylish neighborhood, this comfortable life. The reader nods along, thinking how unfair this is. Until they start reading Niklas’ side of the story. /…/ Moa Herngren’s The Divorce masterfully shows how every story has at least two sides.”

    Anna, Finland

  • “[T]he story is so captivatingly constructed that you’ll want to devour it in one sitting. /…/ The emotions and actions triggered by the divorce are skilfully articulated. It’s easy to draw peer support from the book, especially if you find yourself in a similar life situation.”

    Kotivinkki, Finland

  • “The fact that a seemingly trivial, basic argument results in a novel that cannot be put down is a good indication of how shrewdly [Herngren] presents complicated family dynamics. /…/ The key to the author’s popularity lies partly in her relatable stories and characters. It is no coincidence that there are heated debates among readers about which side in the book is right.”

    Libri Magazin, Hungary

  • “When the book began, I was completely on Bea’s side—the woman in the divorcing couple. By the halfway point, I changed my mind and found myself siding with Niklas, even growing to detest Bea’s way of controlling the emotional atmosphere of the family. This was likely the book’s intention: to show that every truth has another side to it. In that, the novel succeeds brilliantly. Moreover, the narrative flows smoothly and pulls the reader effectively into the whirlwind of the divorce.”

    Seura, Finland

  • “This novel, accessible but never superficial, tells the story of a divorce from both parties’ perspectives. /…/ While reading, my sympathies and understanding altered back and forth between both sides. The best takeaway from the book is the reminder that things are rarely simple or black and white.”

    Kodin Kuvalehti, Finland

Moa Herngren
  • Fiction
Reading material

Swedish edition

English translation

Rights sold

Albania, Shkupi

Arab World, Al Arabi

Canada, HarperVia

Croatia, Znanje

Czech Republic, Metafora

Denmark, Grønningen 1

Estonia, Hea Lugu

Finland, Gummerus

France, Buchet-Chastel

Germany, Kein & Aber

Hungary, Libri/Helikon

Iceland, Ugla

Israel, Tchelet Books

Italy, Solferino

Lithuania, Tyto Alba

Norway, Kagge

Poland, Albatros

Slovenia, HKZ

Spain, HarperCollins Español

Sweden, Norstedts

UK, Manilla Press

Ukraine, Nora-Druk

US, HarperVia

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